Pujya Bhaishri attends Sindhu mahotsav celebrations and World Conference of all faiths

The Sindhu mahotsav celebrations began in 1996 with Shri LK Advaniji taking the initiative. The Sindhu river originates from Mansarovar and flows through Tibet, India (Jammu and Kashmir) and then to Pakistan. This festival when started was celebrated on a small scale but today it’s taken a larger form and people, businessmen, diginitaries, political leaders from all over the country gather to participate.

Representatives from other faiths, Islam, Christianity, Sikh, Jain, Buddha, Hindu all participated including Shakaracharya, Swami Jaynendra Saraswatiji of Kanchikotam peeth, Muni Roopchandji representing Jainism and political leaders like the Chief Minister of Jammu and Kashmir, Avaition minister Shri Kaanchpratam Lodhi, Tourism minister, Shri Anant Kumar, cultural minister, Smt. Bhavna Chikhalia, Home minister of State Swami Chinmayanand and many others.

A Sarvadharma sadbhav sammelan, Sindhu Darshan conference of representatives from all faiths was organized on the 31st of May where each representative spoke on unity and brotherhood. This message was given by Shri Advaniji and all the religious leaders including Pujya Bhaishri.

Starting on the1st of June a sandhya aarati was organized on the banks of the Sindhu where all the ministers and the representatives of all the faiths gathered to participate in the aarati.

On the 2nd which was the important day of the festival included sindhu pujan wherein teertha jal from all the holy rivers of our country, Gangaji, Yamunaji, Brahmaputraji, etc. were offered in the Sindhu. A cultural program was also organized where artists from various states gave dance and music performances.

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