Pujya Bhaishri graces meeting of Times Foundation

The first day of the English calendar saw Pujya Bhaishri give blessings to spiritual organizations working in India at a group meeting organized by Times Foundation at the residence of Mrs. Indu Jain, Chairman of well-known Times Group Publications.

Pujya Bhaishri blessed all the people who represented the various spiritual and health care organizations who were diligently working towards community welfare and spiritual upliftment. He said that the responsibility of the active and good people of the society is a silent commitment towards the welfare of our brotherhood expressed by way of the wonderful work that all were doing, with so much care and dedication. He said it is the patrakaar (journalists), kalakaar (artists) and kathaakars (preachers) are the teachers of society. It is teachers who mould society. They provide it with an outlook. Teachers decide what should be society’s thinking. Hence teachers should be considered to be of utmost importance for the society. All desirable changes in society can be brought about only with their help. So there lies a great responsibility on these teachers. All present were truly motivated by Pujya Bhaishri’s inspiring pearls of wisdom. An ardent devotee, Kumari Pooja Taparia gave a brief introduction about Pujya Bhaishri and the activities of the various trusts that Pujya Bhaishri presides including the help provided during natural calamities, spreading of the messages of the Sanatan Dharma through kathas and various publications and Pujya Bhaishri’s karma bhoomi, Sandipani complex at Porbandar.

Pujya Bhaishri was very impressed with the activities of the spiritual organizations and gave his blessings to Indu maa, members of Times Foundation and all present.

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