Pujya Bhaishri speaks at the Round Table Conference on Religious Harmony for World Peace
Jointly organised by World Peace Centre (Alandi) MEER’S, MIT, Pune and Vaishvik Sanskruti Parivar, Pune the Round Table Conference on Religious Harmony for World Peace bought together various religious leaders and scientists to put forth their views. Representatives of Judaism, Christianity, Jainism, Hinduism, Islam and others delivered in speech their thoughts on how to achieve religious harmony for World Peace at MIT, Pune on 10th October, 2004.
Swami Swaroopanand, Shri Kishoreji Vyas, Shri Abhyankarji and others were part of the group.
Pujya Bhaishri spoke last and said. “I have not heard any religion not propagate the truths of love, brotherhood, non-violence and harmony. Then why do incidents like Godhra happen or the 9/11 terrorist attacks in the US? The topic of Dharma is not for discussion but to be practiced in our daily lives. People talk a lot about it but do less. Is Dharma a question or an answer?”
He further said, “Religious leaders have spoken a lot today but I hope we go back to our people who listen to us and tell them what we think rather than what they want to hear. The differences of ‘your’ dharma and ‘my’ dharma should be dissolved and only then will there be peace. Mutual respect for religions should be taught to all people. That is the key. Only then will there be religious harmony thus leading to world peace. Also what is important that while the people of every nation have respect for other religions and no differentiation between them the governing body too should be impartial towards all religions and rule in a fair manner.”
The meet ended with joint prayers by all present religious leaders and people in the audience.