As we approach the last few days of Shrimad Bhagavat Katha at Guna, let us enjoy the devotional drops of nectar on who and how can one attain God and what do the parents of the incarnation of God of Yagya Narayan symbolise?
Pujya Bhaishri visits the temple of Lord Shiv during Guna Bhagavat Katha
How and when can we attain God?
“Sanmukh hoi jīv mohi jabahī, janma koti agha nāsahi tabahī”
“When any person/soul turns towards me, I destroy one’s sins accumulated over millions of births”. These are God’s words Himself, so my dear, trust God. Only love without deceit can please God. Being sincere and pure are great positions to be in.
Nirmala man jan so mohi pāvā, mohi kapat chhal chhidra na bhāvā
Meaning, that person who has a pure mind can attain me, I do not like duplicity, lies and deceit. This is God’s speech. This is also Bhagavat.
This beautiful Bhagavat, compiled by Shri Ved Vyasji, is self-sufficient to enable one to experience God. As one continues to listen to the message of Bhagavat with humility and practice this knowledge, God manifest’s in one’s heart.
Watch this video in which Pujya Bhaishri visits the temple of Lord Shiv and performs abhishek. In the Katha, he then sings the Shiv Mahimna Stotra.

What do the parents of Yagya Narayan symbolise?
There are 24 incarnations of God. Of these, one incarnation is of Yagya Bhagavan. The parents of Yagyanarayan were: Ruchi Rishi and Akutiji. Akuti symbolises the strength of action of the sense organs. Ruchi means desires. What desires can a Rishi have? The desire of the welfare of others and a resolution to perform Katha. So, where these two, Akuti and Ruchi Rishi unite, God manifests as Yagya (sacrifice).
The journey to spirituality starts when one awakens from the sleep of material attachments.
Ehi jaga jāgahi jāmini jogī, parmārathī prapanca biyogī.
Meaning, in this night of mundane existence it is Yogis (mystics) alone who keep awake; Yogis who are in quest of the highest truth and remain aloof from the world.
Good and bad dreams only occur when in deep sleep or to those humans who dwell on material pleasures. This is because, the minds of such people roam in dreaming of these pleasures. However, this does not happen to a Yogi. A Yogi’s mind never leaves the divine feet of the Lord.
Vāṇī guṇānukathane śravanau kathāyaṁ, hastau ca karmasu manastva pādyornaḥ I
Smṛtyām śirastava nivāsjagatpraṇāme, drṣtiḥ satāṁ darśane astu bhavattanūnāṃ II SB 10.10.38
Dear God, may my speech continue to praise you, may my ears continue to listen to your Katha. May my head bow down to respect the world in which you reside, and may my eyes continue to perform darshan of saints who are your form.
Worship of Shri Giriraj ji was carried out on day 7 followed by Shri Rukmini vivah on day 8 during the Katha.