Jai Shri Krishna,
The peace, internal happiness and bliss we desire are not dependent upon any situation, thing or person. In fact, happiness dependent on others is not true happiness. Peace and bliss are you, yourself. You are the form of happiness. This is why religion advises you that it is sufficient to know yourself. So, how do we know ourselves? This knowledge is only attainable via a Guru (teacher).However, it is not necessary that this Guru be a human. Today, we will discuss about the three types of a Guru.
1. Govind/ God – God is everyone’s Guru.
Krishnam vande jagatgurum
God is Guru and Guru is God. In our religion, we do not consider a Guru as ordinary, but we take Guru as God. Shri Krishna and Lord Shiv are the spirits of a Guru. Let us follow what Shri Ram has said, Shri Krishna has taught and Lord Shiv has advised. Let us take them as our Guru. So, Govind is the first Guru.
2. Initiation Guru – Let us see the difference between Govind as Guru and an initiation Guru. When we do darshan of God in the temple and ask God a question, we do not receive an answer from the idol in the temple. We should have someone in our life to whom we can open our heart, raise our dilemmas without hesitation and gain answers to our quest for knowledge.
Have someone life who lights the light of hope within us, we bond to and who initiates us. Initiation involves a procedure but this procedure should be internal and not external. What is the point of an external procedure if one is not devoted internally to a Guru, or paid their respects and sat in front of a Guru? Of what use is a Guru if one has no quest for knowledge?
The questioning human mind argues that in the present day no Guru can be trusted. Guru is like us and has similar faults. If your mind disagrees, do not consider someone as a Guru. However, if your heart is thirsty to build a relationship with someone who will show you the way and be your support, then listen to your heart. It is not just a matter of an external ritual of gaining a mantra. The speech of a Guru is a mantra.
When our heart accepts the need of a Guru and we faithfully surrender to a Guru, then, even if our Guru is not present in front of us and we have his photo/ idol, this will still guide us in our life.
3. Scripture as our Guru – This could be Ramayan, Bhagavat or Gita. We are indebted to Maharshi Ved Vyas, Jagadguru Shankracharya Maharaj, Swami Ramkrishna Paramhans, Swami Vivekanand, Shri Arvind and many other great people. These great people have made the effort to raise good and true humanity within us. They have given us the power to think righteously. Guru Purnima is the day to present our faith, affection and gratitude towards these great people.
“Gurudev! We present our affection and faith at your feet. It is not possible to pay you back for what you have given us.” Guru Purnima is the opportunity to express these feelings.
We have discussed about three types of Guru today: one is Govind, second Govind-like Guru and third, our scriptures.
On this day, let us present our affection from Lord Narayan, Jagadguru Shankracharyaji to the current great people in this world. Let us pay our respects to all the Gurus and pray that we attain the light of knowledge and gain the right understanding so that the good human is born within us and the demon- and animal-like nature within us are destroyed.

Jai Gurudev!

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