One cannot attain peace and without chanting Lord Shri Ram’s name and doing his seva (service). It is essential to do Shri Ram Bhagavan’s seva in order to attain true peace in life.
Lord Shri Ram descended on earth not just to kill Ravan, but also to teach us how to live our lives and provide solutions of the issues we face in our lives.
The merciful Lord is detached from this world. However, he incarnates on earth as a raagi (one who is attached) as a result of dedicated prayers from his devotees. The Lord becomes partial from impartial.
Bhakti (devotion) turns The Supreme Being free from attachment into an incarnation who is attached to his devotees. This is why along with Shri Ram, we need Maa Sita, who is Bhakti. Maa Sita transforms one who is detached and impartial to someone who is attached and partial.
Gyan (knowledge) results into mukti (emancipation). The fruit of good deeds is heaven and that of bad deeds is hell. Furthermore, the outcome of Bhakti is God.
Maa Sita will be born in the presence of Shri Janakji. Janak simply means one who gives birth. We all should endeavour to be Sitaji’s Janak, meaning, Bhakti’s Janak. Let us all give rise to Bhakti.
So, how do we manifest Bhakti? Shri Janakji acquired Maa Sita through a Yagya that involved ploughing the earth. Now concentrate: ploughing is a karma (deed); but this deed done by Janakji is a Yagya karma (a good deed). There are two types of deeds: virtuous and bad. A deed performed to worship God or sacrifice for others is a good deed. Shri Janakji ploughed the earth to worship God and he gained bhakti.
To sum up, one who performs a virtuous deed will attain Maa Sita in the form of bhakti. One will then not need to invite Lord Shri Ram, he will arrive on his own accord where bhakti exists.
Jai Shri Ram.

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