Pujya Bhaishri’s Sandesh: Meaning of Deepavali and its Celebrations

Hiranyaksha symbolises greed due to wealth while Hiranyakashipu symbolises greed due to desires.

The first vice that is born in a person is greed followed by other bad qualities.

Greed is the father of sins.

So how can we come out of this greed? What is the solution?

The answer is to perform they Yagya of sacrifice and surrender. This Yagya is the decentralisation of wealth.

Everyone wants nice things for themselves including love, respect, and truth. Lies towards oneself is unacceptable by all people, yet we lie to others.

The simple truth is that we should treat others how we want to be treated. This is Dharma.

Both Ravan and Ram exist within us. Ram is the light and therefore the goodness within us whilst Ravan is the darkness and thus the bad qualities within us.

The celebrations during Deepavali share the following messages with us:

The same festival repeating every year is to remind us of this message. In this material world and our relationships, we constantly forget this truth. The repetition of this festival strengthens this truth.

A very Happy Deepavali to you, a festival that is the victory of light over darkness.

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