Pujya Bhaishri’s Sandesh on Independence Day – What do the three colours on our National flag represent?

On our Independence Day today let us all think together. I see the unity of Hindu, Muslim and Christians in the three colours of our National flag.
The orange colour means detachment from worldly pleasures and symbolises the Hindu religion. White represents peace and symbolises Christianity while the green colour symbolises wealth and therefore the Islam religion. There are three colours but one flag and one quote: Mera Bharat Mahaan(My great India).
Four things are necessary for the growth of a nation. Firstly, strict patriotism by every citizen and a belief that before anything else, I am an Indian. Secondly, extreme hard work. We should all be proud that whatever work we do, whether small or big, it is for the development of our country. Thirdly, our values should be those of uniting one another not breaking. Finally, to have integrity in politics; won’t the souls of our martyrs be crying seeing the corruption in politics today in our country?
On 15th August, seeing the national flag, each and every citizen of India should believe that this is my national flag; it should never lose its honour.
Jai Hind! Bhaarat Mata ki Jai!

Happy Independence to you all.

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