Pujya Bhaishri’s Sandesh on the occasion of Buddha Purnima: Experience versus Education

Jai Shri Krishna,
Buddhism is a religious system founded in India in the 6th Century B.C. by Siddhartha, better known as Sakyamuni, Gautam or Buddha, the enlightened one. Gautam Buddha, whose birth anniversary the world celebrates this month, was born around 560 B.C. He came of noble lineage but took to asceticism after being deeply disturbed by the presence of disease, old age and death. Lord Buddha spent his life preaching while migrating.
On this divine occasion of the birth anniversary of Lord Buddha, we present a small Zen narration by Pujya Bhaishri.
One evening, at dusk, when the sky was red and the birds were returning to their nests, four people came to Lord Buddha and brought a blind person with them. Lord Buddha was seated peacefully under a tree admiring the colours in the sky and pondering.
The adventitious people held the blind man’s hand and said to Lord Buddha, “Lord! This man was born blind. He has never seen light. Even then, when we talk and explain numerous times regarding light to him, he refuses to accept that light exists. Therefore, we have brought him to you. Lord, please teach him about light.”
Lord Buddha remained quiet for some time. He mercifully looked at the blind man then turned to the four people and calmly said,” friends, this blind man does not require my teaching. If I preach to a person who has never seen light in life, even if the person decides to accept in his mind that there is light, then this will be the man’s blind faith agreeing. The faith in light without experiencing it will keep him away from its true experience.”
Lord Buddha continued to say, “This man may accept the arguments we raise on light in his mind for a second despite not having experienced it, but such a preaching based on blind faith will be detrimental to him rather than make him a true seeker of light. In fact, you are better off taking him to a doctor for treatment. Once he is treated, he will gain his sight and thereby experience light himself. Thereafter, my preaching will not be required.”
One does not need to be educated about light but needs to experience light. Truth/ light/ God is not merely a subject to discuss and talk about. Truth/ light/ God must be experienced and implemented in our lives.
Seva mein samarpit, Sandipani Vidyaniketan

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