Pujya Dwarikasharda Jyotish Pithadhishwar Maharaj Shri Shankracharyaji Visits Shri Hari Mandir

Shankracharya Swami Shri Swarupanandji Maharaj, the acharya of the Joshimath, honoured Sandipani Vidyaniketan and Shri Hari Mandir by paying a visit in March 2011.

After paying his respects to the deities in Shri Hari Mandir in the evening, Shri Swarupanandji Maharaj, the rishikumars, students, teachers and other devotees gathered in the auditorium where Shri Swarupanandji Maharaj delivered a short informative and inspiring discourse. Shri Gautambhai Oza specially arrived from Ahmedabad for this evening. Shri Arjunbhai Modhvadiyani also particularly attended this divine gathering.

Shri Swarupanandji Maharaj said in his speech that he was regretful that he could not attend the Mandir Mahotsav in 2006, but has gained an amazing experience after darshan of the deities in Shri Hari Mandir. He continued to say that all human beings must follow the path of dharma. Our scriptures elucidate the meaning of dharma and adharma with great hidden depth. Those who follow dharma will easily ensue arth (wealth) and kaam (desire) (the purushartha or objectives of human beings).

Shri Swarupanandji Maharaj said that death is painless and easy for those who have achieved dharma, arth  and kaam; otherwise, we will have to suffer and tolerate the hardships and miseries of life.  He explained the meaning of the word shaastra simply by saying ‘shilyate hitamam upadwishyate iti shaastram’, meaning, that which teaches us and only explains about our welfare, is shaastra.

He continued to say, “how much can a man or student continue to read and read in life? We have countless scriptures in our religion, such as Ramayan, Shrimad Bhagavat, Shrimad Bhagavad Gita, Mahabharat, 16 Puranas, Upanishadas etc. Our ages fall short if we try to read all these scriptures in one lifetime! Also, we will not understand these scriptures and the hidden meanings by simply reading them as past history. However if we take any one scripture and read and understand it from a shaastra perspective, then that one scripture will provide the essence of all the scriptures and a unique vision on how to live life.”

In addition Shri Swarupanadji Maharaj explained that when a human being dies, his/her money will stay in the bank, pets, houses and cars will also exist in their places, the wife will see the dead human being to entrance of the house, friends and other family members will escort him/her to the mortuary, but who will come along with this human being to the next world? Those who are born will die, so what will we take with us when we die? When we were born we brought our destiny with us and when we die only our good deeds and dharma will remain and move with us to the next world.

After this inspiring discourse, in the end, Shri Swarupanandji Maharaj bestowed his blessings on all the students, teachers, trustees and other devotees present in the event.



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