“Shri Janakalyan Bahu-uddeshiya Sansthan” of Nagpur hosted a grand Ram Katha by Pujya Bhaishri at Nagpur from 16th November 2007. The main objectives of this organisation are to run educational institutions, organise festivals, kathas, and yoga camps. For the past two years, the organisation has been responsible for the appropriate maintenance of Gangabai ghat and providing free of cost material for funeral rites. Hence the Ram Katha by Pujya Bhaishri was hosted to help for the continuing support of these objectives. Nagpur was blessed to have Pujya Bhaishri after two decades.


In the context of the increasing number of suicides by farmers in Maharashtra, Pujya Bhaishri commented in the katha that, since the Indian economy is agriculture based, it is truly regrettable that the farmers here have to resort to committing suicides. He advised the Maharashtra government to reflect upon this situation and take appropriate steps without any delay. Fundamental changes in our agricultural policy should be brought about immediately. It is indeed very shameful for the Government that the farmers have to resort to suicides.


Further, Pujya Bhaishri raised the issue on the increasing numbers of cow slaughter. He put forward the question: “How could Lord Krishna shower his mercy upon the country where cows and their progenies are being slaughtered?” The wealth earned from the export of beef can never be beneficial to the country. Gopis, Gita and Gau are the three beloveds of Lord Krishna. At the present time, Gopis are burnt alive for the greed of dowry, Gita is gradually being forgotten – university students in India do not even know the number of chapters in Gitaji, and to make matters worse, Gau, cows are being slaughtered for money! Under such appalling circumstances how can we expect Lord Krishna to shower his mercy upon us?


Events like Shri Ram janmotsav, Shri Ram vivah, Shri Rameshwar Pujan and Shri Ram rajyabhishek were celebrated with great pomp and zest. The family who hosted the katha presented magnificent scenes of these Ram leelas from the Ramcharit Manas.


On the auspicious occasion of Shri Jalaram Jayanti on 17th November 2007, Pujya Bhaishri went for darshan to the Jalaram temple at Nagpur and addressed the devotees gathered at the temple.


Whilst in Nagpur, Pujya Bhaishri also visited many schools and had useful discussions and conversations with the students.


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