Rishikumars fare well at Sandipani Vidyaniketan

The Rishikumars studying at the Sandipani Vidyaniketan have done their institute proud by passing their respective exams with flying colours. Following are the results of the academic year 2000 – 2001

The classes of Prathama pratham – A and Prathama pratham – B (Std. VIII) 29 and 35 students respectively passed out of a total of 40 and 44 students who had appeared for their exams giving a result of 72.50% and 79.54% respectively. 48 students appeared for Prathama dwitiya (Std. IX) out of which 44 students passed, giving the passing percentage of 91.66. For the Prathama tritiya (X S.S.C.) exams the result of the school was 95.23% since 20 out of 21 students passed their board exams.

In the higher secondary (Madhyama) sections the performance of the Rishikumars was equally impressive. In Purva Madhyama (Std. XI), 21 students out of 23 passed the exams. Thus the percentage of students passing these exams was 91.30, while for Uttara Madhyama (Std. XII) 13 out of 14 students passed the exams the percentage being 92.30.

In the college section the results have been really outstanding with 100% passing successfully. The number of students who appeared for their exams in each class are as follows: 19 students for Shastri Pratham (F.Y.B.A.), 12 for Shastri Dwitiya (S.Y. B. A.), 15 for Shastri Tritiya (T.Y.B.A.), 8 for Aacharya Pratham (M.A.-I) and 6 for Aacharya Dwitiya (M.A.-II).

The result of the Vidyaniketan was 83.22% as compared to the board result of 97.89%


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