Sandipani Vidyaniketan Celebrates Guru Purnima In The Presence of Param Pujya Bhaishri

This year, Guru Purnima was celebrated at Sandipani Vidyaniketan in the presence of the most noble and inspiring Guru, Param Pujya Bhaishri.
On the joyful morning of the day of Guru Purnima, the auspicious flag was hoisted on Shri Hari Mandir. This was followed by a divine pooja and worship of Shri Krishna and Adi Guru Shankracharyaji in the auditorium. The Rishikumars and other present devotees then recited the Guru Geeta.
Thereafter, Pujya addressed the audience saying, “All human beings progress towards the path of being one with God. A river, lake or sea will always end and meet into the ocean whichever direction it flows in. Similarly, a human being will unite with God whichever path one decides to take. A river will continue to flow and maintain its nature despite us building dams to restrict it for our needs. Likewise, a Guru will provide his/her disciple the strength to maintain one’s simplicity and truthful nature in life in spite of people building selfish relationships.” Pujya Bhaishri encouraged and blessed everyone to live such simple and selfless lives.
Following on from Pujya Bhaishri’s speech, members of the Jankalyansangh from Jammu and Kashmir offered their pooja to Pujya Bhaishri. Ten Rishikumars from Sandipani Vidyaniketan then offered their worship to Pujya Bhaishri after which the Parliament Secretary, Mr. L.T. Rajani, and devotees from all over India and various parts of the world offered their pooja and respects to Pujya Bhaishri amidst Shri Hari naam sankirtan.

In the afternoon session of the day, the teachers and students of the Rishikul and Gurukul of Sandipani paid their tributes and expressed their love for Pujya Bhaishri in several speeches. The whole day and event in Sandipani was uniquely divine and joyous which no words can justify.


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