satsang session of Sanskruti Parivar, Vyara was organized in the courtyard of Shri Girishbhai Moolshankar Dave’s residence on 5th Jan. 2003 where it was resolved that needy orphans who are under the care of their relatives will be identified and efforts will be made to fulfill all their needs and requirements and thus provide them comfort and support. Dr. Jayeshbhai Shah and Dr. Kusumben Shah of USA announced donation of Rs. 51000/- to this purpose.

At this satsang it was also resolved to collect items that were not in use in the household and distribute them to the needy.

The other service activities of Vyara Sanskruti Parivar includes:

1) Free distribution of all material required for cremation.
2) To arrange for the immersion of asthi, ashes in Haridwar with the help of Sadvichar Parivar, Ahmedabad.
3) To preach and propagate distribution of Mantralekhan books, Tattvadarshan, etc.
4) support to the needy
5) Daridranarayan and Dardinarayan seva, help to the poor and sick
6) Baladevo bhava, see the reflection of God in each child and whatever possible to ensure his or her comfort
7) Narmada Parikrama in the month of Chaitra. 
8) Shrimad Bhagwad Katha for the benefit of people whose asthis have been sent to Haridwar.
9) Distribution of bottles containing Gangajal and Yamunajal to sick and also at the crematorium.
Six donors announced donations of Rs. 10,000/- each.

Great going, members of Sanskruti parivar, Vyara!

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