Sharadiya Navratri Anushthaan at Sandipani, a union of spirituality and community service

During the Sharadiya Navratri Anusthaan Sandipani becomes a centre of intense ‘Shakti Aradhana’ i.e. the worshipping and harnessing of spiritual power and energy. This year too it was no different.

In the morning session Pujya Bhaishri led the group recitation of Shri Ramcharit Manas. And in the afternoons ‘Satsang sabhas’ were organised.

This year Pujya Shri Rajendradasji maharaj of Vrindavan spoke in the afternoon Satsang sabhas. He spoke on the celebrated book ‘Bhaktamal’ (Garland of devotees) written by ‘Nabahaji’. He said that ‘Bhaktmal’ was as important as Shrimad Bhagavat. Just as Shrimad Bhagavat describes the lives and devotion of devotees in earlier ages, ‘Bhaktamal’ describes the lives and devotion of God’s devotees who were born in ‘Kaliyuga’. Both the scriptures have established the unique and inseparable link between God and his devotees. While concluding his exposition of ‘Bhaktamal’ Pujya Shri Rajendrasinghji Maharaj said that by reading this sacred book we will develop love and liking for ‘vaishanav’ (Devotional people) and our entire life will become a living expression of love and devotion.

Admiring Pujya Bhaishri’s noble endeavours Pujya Rajendradasji said that the real test of a great soul was the number of people whom he leads onto the path of a noble life. Viewed in this perspective Pujya Bhaishri stands out very tall indeed. Not only has Pujya Bhaishri led a noble life but through Sandipani Vidyaniketan and his kathas he has led countless people onto the path of nobility and spirituality.

Speaking on the concluding day of the Navratri Anushthan Pujya Bhaishri said that just as Vyasji experienced supreme joy and bliss after successfully composing Shrimad Bhagavat similarly Shri Tulsidasji also experienced supreme joy and bliss after successfully composing the Ramcharit Manas. Everyone should read kathas of Bhagavat and Ramayan.

After the evening aarati in Shri Hari mandir ras garbas were presented daily. Seven Rasgarba teams of Porbandar town participated in the Rasgarba competition organised by Sandipani Vidyaniketan.

Annakshetra was also organised on all nine days of Nvaratra.

A homatmak Yajnya of Sundarkand was also performed on the occasion. Shri Vijaybhai Khiroya and family were the manorathis for this Navratri Anushthaan. As always the culmination of the Anushthan was the dhwajarohan at Dwarka.

Various medical camps as below were organised during the anushthan.

Camps at Sandipani:

Below are the glimpses from the auspicious event.

  1. Dental camp:
    Reputed dentist Dr. Sarojben Shukla and her colleagues provided extensive treatment for dental problems on all days from 30th Sept. 2008 to 9th Oct. 2008. This camp was inaugurated at 9:30 a.m. on 30th Sept. by Pujya Bhaishri. The entire family of Shri Vijaybhai Khiroya of Kenya who was the Manorathi of all camps was present in full strength on this occasion. In all 727 patients were treated in this camp. Intensive efforts were also undertaken during this camp to persuade people to give up their addictions.
  2. Acupressure Camp:
    Shri Navneetbhai Shah and his team of Jai Bhagwan International Acupressure Service of Mumbai and Shri Kaushikbhai Parekh of Porbandar and his team treated 564 new and 237 repeat patients for various problems. Their services were available from 2/10/08 to 6/10/08.
  3. Eye camp with IOL implants:
    This camp was organised with the help of Shivanand Mission Eye Hospital, Virnagar and Porbandar District Committee for Eradication of Blindness. A total of 260 eye patients were diagnosed by Dr Mukeshbhai Buch and his colleagues. From these 25patients were selected for eye surgery and sent by a specially arranged bus to Shivanand Mission Hospital, Virnagar where they were operated for IOL implants and were sent back after 2 days again by specially arranged bus.
    This camp was inaugurated by Pujya Bhaishri on 3rd Oct. at 9:30 a.m.Camps at Lion’s Hospital:
    Three camps of Super Specialised category were arranged at the local Lion’s Hospital on 4/10/08 . Pujya Baa (Revered mother of Bhaishri) inaugurated these camps by lighting the auspicious lamp. The honourable guests present on the occasion included Shri Suryakantbhai Oza (Elder brother of Bhaishri) Shrimati Vijayabahen Oza, Smt. Shantabahen Odedara, Kum. Mala and Vaishali Khiroya (Daughters of Manorathi Shri Vijaybhai Khiroya) and other Parivarjan.
  4. ENT Camp:
    Reputed ENT surgeon of Ahmedabad Dr. Nandlal K. Manseta inspected 264 patients out of which 14 patients were selected for surgery who were operated Free of Charge at Ahmedabad.
  5. Skin and Leprosy Camp:
    Distinguished leprosy specialist of Jamnagar Dr. K. M. Acharya checked 272 patients and prescribed suitable treatment.
    Two such rehabilitated women patients were gifted sewing machines by Pujya Bhaishri and Shri Vijaybhai Khiroya at the present camp.
  6. Congenital Oral Defects Camp:
    Young and dedicated Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon Dr Shyambhai Sheth inspected 12 patients for Congenital Oral deficiencies and selected 7 patients for corrective surgeries and called them to Ahmedabad on fixed appointed dates. These surgeries will be conducted free of charge and all required medicines will also be provided free. Free accommodation will also be provided to the patients and one accompanying member for their stay in Ahmedabad.
    Dr. Sheth has also given a CD depicting and explaining the pre-operative, operative and post-operative details of the surgery.
  7. General Medical Camp:
    This camp was arranged at Lions Hospital on 5/10/08. Various doctors of Porbandar volunteered their services for this camp.
    394 patients availed of these services. Apart from the regular medical check-up of the patients all necessary laboratory tests such as X- ray, E. C. G. (Cardiogram), Sonography, etc. were also done free of charge. The patients were also given a course of required medicine for 5 days.
  8. Dispensary:
    Dr. R. H Kudla provided excellent medical services to 382 patients at the Dispensary set up at the Sandipani Ashram during the Navratri Utsav. Dr Kudal also personally visited 13 patients who had come for the festival and had fallen sick.

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