Day 5: Main Patotsav celebration and Sandipani Gaurav Awards

The two main events today were:

Firstly, the worship of the deities in Shri Hari Mandir by Pujya Bhaishri, Pujya Karshniya Shri Guru Sharananandji Maharaj. Rishikumars and devotees.

A divine Madhuvan leela was also exhibited at Shri Hari Mandir today.

Thereafter, awards were presented by Pujya Bhaishri and Guru Sharananandji Maharaj to the following people:

  1. Devarshi Award – Late Shri Narayan Bapu who inspired the Narayan Eye Hospital;
  2. Brahmarshi Award – Dr, Narayan Kansara
  3. Rajarshi Award – Shri Tansukhbhai Ganatra from USA.

Pujya Bhaishri in his speech remembered Pujya Shri Morari Bapu and said that Pujya Bapu had attended the award ceremony once. Bapu had said that Devarshi is the form of devotion, Brahmarshi is the form of Brahmasutra and Rajarshi is the form Shrisuktam. Praising Shri Tansukhbhai, Pujya Bhaishri said that Shri Tansukhbhai had donated most of his earnings, Rs. 192 million for the service of the society.

Thereafter, flowers were showered from the helicopter on top of Shri Hari Mandir. Finally the event was ended with the completion of the medical camps and 108 Mahavishnu Yagyas. The event was a great success for all!


Day 3: Rishikumar presents stotra created by self to Pujya Bhaishri and divine Annakut darshan

On the third day of Patotsav, a divine annakut darshan begun at 8am. Shri Goverdhan pooja was also performed in the morning. The host of this divine pooja  and darshan was Shri Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani.

Today, Rishikumar Dilipbhai Pandya presented a lecture on Vishnu Puran. He explained that Puranas are the incarnation of Vedas. He then described how the world was created. Thereafter, the Principal of Rishikumar, Shri Bipinbhai Joshi, explained the importance of Sanskrit language.

Rishikumar Prakashbhai Joshi lectured on Vishnu Puran, some stories from it and how one can free oneself from the cage of performing actions and it’s results. At the end, he presented Shri Narayanashtakam Stotra, created by himself, to Pujya Bhaishri. Pujya Bhaishri was extremely pleased and said, “My students have begun to create their own Stotras. Let us present this Stotra at the lotus feet of Shri Laxminarayan”. Pujya Bhaishri then sung two shlokas from the Stotra.

In the afternoon, mesmerising discourses were provided by Shri Radhakrishna Maharak and Shri Pundarik Goswami Maharaj. At the end of the afternoon session, Pujya Bhaishri said that these young katha preachers keep our future bright and expressed his content.

Shri Hari Mandir and the deities were beautifully decorated and ornamented on this day.


Day 2:

On day 2 of Patotsav celebrations, along with the 108 MahaVishnu Yagyas, the deities in Shri Hari Mandir were ornamented with flowers. Pujya Bhaishri paid tribute to Late Shri Hirabhai Shiyal and the younger brother of Ranchodbhai Shiyal, Jitendrabhai, who lost their lives unexpectedly when the car caught fire on the 9th February. He also provided courage to the family who were bearing this loss.

In the morning session. Rishikumar Bhavesh Mehta gave a discourse on Brahma Vaivartak Puran from which he narrated a story on Nahush and Shachi, thus explaining the importance of a Sadguru. He said that even when God cannot show us the path, a Sadguru will. Thereafter, Rishikumar Saurambhai Purohit gave a lecture on Narad Puran, He narrated a story on King Rukmangad, Queen Sandhyavali and their son Dharmangad, explaining the importance of fastin on Ekadashi.

Pujya Shankaracharyaji Divyatmanandji gave a divine discourse and explained the difference between religion and devotion. Providing Ravan as an example, Pujya Shankaracharyaji said that a person who practices righteousness will be a worshipper but one who worships may not necessarily be a practitioner of righteousness. True religion is practicing virtuousness. Pujya Bhaishri then paid his respects to Pujya Shankracharyaji with a shawl.

In the afternoon, Saint Gyananandji, Shri Parmatmanandji, Pujya Shri Goswami Pundarikji and Shri Radhakrishna Maharaj enligtened all on satsang, devotion, religious and cultural values.

The evening ended with a divine Rajbhog aarati, Damodar leela darshan at Shri Hari Mandir and a bhajan night by Parthiv Gohil.

Special guest honoured by Pujya Bhaishri on day 2 was Shri Punamben Maadam, member of the Gujarat Parliament.


Day 1:

First day of 10th Patotsav celebrations begin from Shri Hari Mandir with various saints and devotees joining in.

Cows are worshipped in Gaushala, the procession then performs circumbulation of the Yagyashala and Pujya Bhaishri welcomes the hosts and Brahmins participating in the 108 Yagyas


Five medical camps started and inaugurated by Pujya Bhaishri on 1st day of Patotsav

Exhibition of 70 portraits of Pujya Bhaishri made by Shrimati Hetal Chandra. Pujya Bhaishri said, “Amazing talent and hard work. The master of art is Shri Krishna and when He showers His grace upon one, an artist becomes great and divine”,

Morning sessions on discourses on Puran by Rishikumars Bharatbhai Shilu and Bhaveshbhai Mehta after kindling of the auspicious lamp


Continuous singing of Ram dhun for all days during Patotsav. 120 bhajan groups will be participating. Should you individually wish to pariticipate, please contact +91 990 999 89660

Add photos 17-18

Afternoon session on day 1: discourses by various saints including: Shastri Bhanuprakashji, Pujya Goswami Shri Vasantkumar Mahodaya, Mamamandaleshwar Bhartibapu, Sharadbhai Vyas.

Day 1 ends with Aarati at Shri Hari Mandir, divine darshan of hide & seek being played and cultural night of bhajan singing by Shri Harischandra Joshi, Pranav Pandya and Vinod Joshi

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