A very unique katha was organised by the Paropkaar Samiti from the 6th to 12th of November, 2008 aboard the Super Star Virgo, the cruise from Singapore. 600 people, mostly of the age group above 60 years joined this unique trip to make the most of doing satsang and also using the opportunity to go abroad. Their enthusiasm was infectious.

More than 100 NRIs from world over also joined in to be a part of this unique experience. Pujya Bhaishri was greeted by the Captain of the Star Virgo in the lobby on 5th evening and he later came to the katha and addressed the audience too, saying that the Star Virgo was privileged to host so many devotees from India and abroad to conduct a religious and spiritual discourse aboard the Star Virgo.

Pujya Bhaishri warned the devotees of the worldly attractions above the cruise and asked them to enjoy themselves by using their intellectual discretion. He said, “Do what you want to but keep Lord Hanuman in your heart. Remember we are amidst the ocean and and all of us are experiencing ‘samudra manthan’ where poison will also come out in our mano manthan but we have to only seek the nectar.”

Bhajan, kirtan and jigyasa sessions were also organised on three of the days. Devotees flocked to hear Pujya Bhaishri as he gave solutions to the varied jigyasas asked by people. One of the night’s antakshri and raas garba was also organised.

Day visits to other countries during the cruise included Kuala Lumpur and Penang in Malaysia and Phuket in Thailand. Visits to beautiful Buddhist temples and scenic points were organised. Everyone enjoyed the trip thoroughly.


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