Shrimad Bhagavat Katha At The Magnificent Bharatiya Temple In The City Of Troy, Detroit Michigan, USA

Pujya Bhaishri narrated a divine Shrimad Bhagavat Katha from 4th June to 12th June at the Bharatiya temple in the city of Troy, Michigan. The katha was organised by the Bharatiya temple of Greater Detroit and managed by The Harinaam Sankirtan Mandal.
On the first day of the katha, the Shobha Yatra of the Pothiji took place in the compound of the temple. Pujya Bhaishri and the Pothiji were provided a warm welcome on arriving at the temple. Thereafter, various poojas were carried out in the Laxminarayan temple. Pujya Bhaishri then began to narrate the katha. The katha was delivered in Hindi every day from 5.30pm to 10.30pm and some days until midnight.
During the course of the katha, Shri Krishna pragatya, Shri Giriraj poojan and Shri Rukmini vivah were celebrated with great fun. Elaborate arrangements for the daily evening dinner were made for all the attendees of the katha during the nine days. Over a hundred volunteers prepared and served fresh dinner for more than 10,000 guests.
On 11th June, Pujya Bhaishri performed a pooja to begin the first phase of the opening ceremony of the ten million dollar, new Bharatiya temple. The opening ceremony and pran pratishtha of the deities is scheduled during the upcoming navratri or dushera period.

The entire katha was telecast all over USA on TV Asia. DVDs for this katha can be obtained from the Bharatiya temple by writing to:



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