Shrimad Bhagavat Katha Flows to Jamnagar
Shri Karshanbhai Bhutia hosted a Shrimad Bhagavat Katha by Pujya Bhaishri in Jamnagar from 27th November to 4th December 2010. Initially, the katha was scheduled to begin on 23rd November 2010. However, heavy rains in Saurashtra had turned the grounds of Shamyapraas, the katha venue, into a marshland and therefore unsuitable to hold a katha. Shri Karshanbhai Bhutia, Shri Jayantibhai Chandra and other devotees worked extremely hard and with their dedication and devotion, made seamless arrangements to re-set the katha mandap and the dining venue to great standards and therefore enabled the katha to begin on the 27th November.
The Shobha Yatra was carried out from the Shiva Mandir to the Shamyapraas grounds with great excitement, joy and Hari naam sankirtan. Thousands of people came out on the streets to do darshan of the Pothiji. Param Pujya Devprasad Bapuji, Param Pujya Krishnamaniji Maharaj, Param Pujya Madhavpriyadasji and Shri Shatrushalyaji Maharaj of Jamnagar inaugurated the katha with deepa pragatya and divine sermons.
Pujya Bhaishri first sang the mangalaacharan. Thereafter, he began the katha by saying that Jamnagar is a land of culture and civilisation. Every particle of this land resonates with the sound of Sanskrit shlokas. Consequently, the katha is looking for devotees with thirst for knowledge. The welfare of the human life is in searching for the Truth. Pujya Bhaishri continued to say that Shri Krishna is a multi-faceted personality. Many people are so good looking that their pictures will appear photogenic when seen from any angle. Similarly Shri Krishna’s katha is attractive and interesting when seen from any angle.
Shri Krishna janma, Shri Goverdhan pooja and Shri Rukmini vivah were celebrated with immense joy. Cultural programmes were held every evening. These included programmes by Shri Bikhudan Gadhvi, Mayabhai, Dhirubhai, Osman Meer, Niranjan Pandya, Kirtidan Gadhvi and Naga Bhagat. A poetry evening was also organised where several Gujarati poets like Shobhit Desai, Rahat Indorva, Khaleel and Faraz presented their compositions to delight the audience.
In addition to the katha, a general medical camp was held by Dr. Bharatbhai Gadhvi, which was a great success.