On the occasion of the completion of 51 years of Mahant Shri Narayandas Bapu of Gedia gadi the Bharwad community of Gedia organised a Shrimad Bhagavat katha by Pujya Bhaishri. The katha was held in the mornings, while in the afternoons, various saints and sages including Muktanand Bapu of Chaparda, Sherarnath Bapu of Junagadh, Valku Bapu of Chalana and Uma Baa of Paliad delivered their enlightening discourses. A large number of people from and around Gedia enthusiastically came to hear these spiritual discourses.
During the course of the katha, Pujya Bhaishri said that in today’s age everyone is busy trying to impress others. Some people do this with their wealth while others with their fame and social status. Those who have neither money nor status try to impress others with their sweet talks. However, instead of trying to make an impression on others, it is more important that we try to refine ourselves. This is possible through satsang, that is, going to saints and enlightened people who have purified and changed themselves by studying scriptures like the Ramayan and Shrimad Bhagavat. Our society is in dire need of the guidance of such enlightened people.
In addition to the katha, a community wedding of the Bharwad community was organised. The couples tying their wedding knots were greatly pleased to be beginning their joint life in a sacred place and divine atmosphere amidst the blessings of so many saints and sages. More than a hundred thousand people enjoyed the meals offered during the occasion.

Bhajans, kirtan, dairos and folk music programmes held in the evenings by reputed folk singers of Gujarat like Lakshmanbhai Barot, Mayabhai Ahir and Lalitaben Ghodadra made the atmosphere even more divine and were greatly enjoyed by all the devotees.


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