A good-hearted rich man was once seated at a railway platform. A beggar continuously approached him in different disguises with various excuses to get money from the rich man. He first started with the reason of wanting money to cremate his son and the rich man gave him money.

Second time, he said that he desperately needed money for his wife’s surgery. The rich man gave him Rs. 100 again. The beggar repeatedly did this thinking he had found a great victim.

When the beggar approached the rich man the fifth time, before the beggar would give a reason, the rich man removed Rs. 100 from his pocket and said, “Why bother? Instead of having to make up a new story every time, here, take this.”

The deceitful beggar had thought he had been very clever until now. He asked the noble rich man, “If you knew I was the same beggar in different disguises, then why did you repeatedly give me money? I thought I was being so clever!”

The rich man replied, “May be you are helpless. As long as you need money and I am capable, I will continue to help you.”

I have read somewhere that it is better to be deceived than deceive someone. Sometimes, a noble person will pretend to be deceived if he sees the welfare of the opposite person in this. We consider ourselves to be intellectual when we deceive others at every step. The truth is, one who deceives others is being dishonest to oneself first, then others.

A humane society is one in which every individual makes use of things and loves others, rather than making use and taking advantage of other people. Such a society has the fragrance of humanity and is a healthy society. There is peace where such an environment is created. When we forget humanity and deceive others, we may see the benefit but this will be short-term. In the long-term this will lead to harm.

Once this simple thought is determined in our mind, then the humanity within us will never wither. This Holi, let humanity within us blossom like a flower and may we spread its fragrance in the world.

Happy Holi!

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