Many days passed and no Vaishnav had given anything to Sudama and his family. The children are hungry and look malnourished.

Sushila approached Sudama who was chanting God’s name and said, “Dear, the king of Dwarka is your friend. Dwarka is not very far from here. Do you never feel like visiting him? Go to him for His darshan.”


Sudamadev replied: “My dear, do you want me to go and beg from him? Although he’s my friend, I have an oath not to beg from anyone which I have been fulfilling due to your support. Have you lost your patience?”

“Lord, I am your wife but also the mother of our kids. I can’t see them suffer in hunger like this. They will die of starvation. I haven’t told you to go and ask for anything. I am only requesting you to go for His darshan.”

Sushila knows that God will understand their state just by looking at Sudama.

Sudama started to prepare to leave.

Sudama took his walking stick and said, “One should never visit God empty-handed. Give me anything we have in the house.” Sushila borrowed some rice flakes, tied them in a small cloth and gave them to Sudama.


Sudama left to see his Lord. He is thin and frail and the little stones are hurting his feet.

On this side, Sushila is worried. She is praying to God to return her husband safe and sound. She takes an oath to fast until her husband returns home.

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