The joyous festivities of Shri Hanuman Jayanti at Shri Hari Mandir
Shri Hanumanji was born during sunrise on Chaitra month of the Hindu calendar. This fell on Friday 6th April this year and was celebrated with great enthusiasm by the rishikumars and other devotees at Shri Hari Mandir.
On the day, the rishikumars melodiously recited the Sunderkand from Shri Ram Charit Manas and Shri Hanuman Chalisa.
Shri Hanumanji was worshipped and his pooja performed in 16 ways. Also, one hundred and eight ark flowers and ladoos were offered to Shri Hanumanji with the chanting of his divine name.
Shri Hanumanji looked elegant dressed in white garments, providing peace and prosperity to the devotees. His temple was also beautifully decorated with sari fabric.
Many devotees gathered during this occasion and joined the evening aarati after which the prasad of ladoos was distributed to everyone.
The celebrations of Shri Hanuman Jayanti filled the devotees with supreme happiness.
Jai Shri Bajrangbali!