All religions have spoken about adoring and worshiping Truth. Love, Truth, Service, etc. are the virtues which are fundamentals of all religions. Therefore, stories of all religions are similar.
Truth is neither ancient, nor new, it is eternal. And our scriptures through different stories, incarnations, ideals and biographies of prophets and saints present that eternal truth.
Scholars all over the world have accepted Rig Veda to be the most ancient scripture of mankind, and the Sanatan Dharma of Hindus is accepted as one of the most ancient religions of world. Though the word ‘Hindu’ was coined much later, this religion existed since most ancient timed. No particular individual saint or prophet initiated this religion. It does not have any one or particular sacred textbook but many enlightening scriptures. This is the distinctive feature of this religion.
All other religions came into existence after Sanatan Dharma. All other religions are known to have definite historical dates of beginning. And history is witness to the face that Hinduism is the most ancient religion amongst all.
Hence Hindu scriptures and texts have influenced all later religions. Most often this influence was positive while occasionally it has also been negative.
Therefore, many religions adopted rituals and traditions that are contrary to Hindu religion, while some other religions which were positively influenced, though not 100%, adopted many rituals and traditions that are similar to that of Hindu religion.
Now if we consider Krishna and Christ or Jesus and Jagdish, the names sound similar. And there are many similarities in the lives of both of them. But for Hindus, Krishna himself is the Supreme Being. “Krishnāstu Bhagavān Swayam”. For Christians, Christ is the beloved son of the Supreme God. Both are great in their own ways.
Since all religions speak about Truth, Love, Non-Violence, Service, Brotherhood, etc. Hindu religion respects all other religions. Although these fundamental principles are advocated by all religions, they should be displayed in the behaviour of the followers of those religions. Religion is not an issue of debates and discussions, but to be put into practice. Religion put in practice ensures emancipation of the individual as well as all others.