The pollen-like dust of Guru’s holy feet is as pious as the holy ashes spread on Lord Shankar’s body. One gains divine vision on remembering the lustre of the gems in the form of the nails on the Guru’s feet and revolution of Guru’s lotus feet.

The pollen-like dust of Guru’s holy feet is like an eye liner to clear the faults in our vision. Our mind will never be corrupted should we listen to Guru’s speech and commands. The balance of one’s eyes and ears is necessary to prevent the mind from being damaged.

Apply the eye liner of the pollen dust of Guru’s holy feet to the eyes and listen to Guru’s words through the ears. This is why in our Vedas, the demi-gods have prayed to the Rishis:

“Let us listen to talks that result in our welfare; may we receive the advice and teachings of our Sadguru in our ears”.

sadguru is the steersman of our lifeboat. one who will steer our ship safely to the shore in the hurricanes of the ocean of our life is a sadguru.

We must take refuge in Sadguru’s holy feet so that God resides in our eyes and ears and sins may not enter.


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