Three things Bhagavat Teaches Us – Days 3 and 4 Chennai Katha Summaries

Pujya Bhaishri expounds on three things related to life that Shrimad Bhagavat teaches us as well as why Bhagavat is imperative in current times. Below are summaries from days 3 and 4 Chennai Bhagavat Katha by Pujya Bhaishri.

Shrimad Bhagavat entails both attachment and detachment. Talk on attachment suits one who is detached. If it is vice versa, this talk becomes worldly and material. Shukdevji is detached. Thus, when he narrates the Rās Pancādhyāyī (the five chapters describing the love of Gopis for Lord Krishna), the Katha becomes divine.  In fact, darshan of paramhaṃsa destroys your disorders of the mind.

Rās Pancādhyāyī are considered as the five prānas (vital breaths) of Shrimad Bhagavat. Once you listen to the Katha and develop intense love for it, then you should read the main Shrimad Bhagavat.

There are three things said in Bhagavat. Once you understand these three things, you will have understood everything. These three things are:

  1. The way a human being should behave towards another.
  2. The way a human being should behave towards other beings.
  3. The way a human being should behave towards the nature/ environment.

Understand life through a Katha and you will gain solutions to your question/dilemmas in life.

Anything in this world is without good or bad qualities. Attachment blinds you from seeing the faults in another while dislike blinds you from seeing the goodness in another.

The ultimate Dharma of Vaishnavas (followers of Lord Vishnu) is to walk on the path guided by Bhagavat. To be vegetarian or non-vegetarian is one’s choice. Do not link this to religion. However, a Vaishnav will be vegetarian. This is because a Vaishnav will refrain from any food that taints his/her thoughts.

A human being who does not believe in Dharma will infect one’s mind. The duty of the Vyās Pith is to enlighten you on Dharma through vivek (discrimination between what is right and wrong). In the current times, this Dharma present in the Bhagavat is highly needed to guide all.

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