Day 1 & 2

Pujya Bhaishri said that there are 4 sacred places where God is present Himself: Pushkar, Naimisharanya, Badrinath and Shaligram (Nepal).


Day 4

Pujya Bhaishri said. ” Some people ask, why can’t we see God? Just like we can’t see oxygen and can feel it, similarly, God is to be experienced and felt”.
God is visible, but our eyes are covered with the curtains of ignorance. A Guru can unveil these curtains by lighting the lamp of knowledge.

Kailash ke Nivasi

Pujya Bhaishri composes this in a wonderfully different tune during the katha.

Ek andhera laakh sitare

Pujya Bhaishri sings this old famous song in a different tune.

Prem nagar Mat Jaa

Pujya Bhaisri sings this divine bhajan explaining the importance of devotion

Day 3

UK katha – Pujya Bhaishri sings ‘ehi kali kaal na sadhan duja….

Pujya Bhaishri sings this chopaai from shri Ram Charit Manas and explains the meaning.

Day 5

Shri Krishna janma is celebrated with great fanfare.

Pujya Bhaishri said that Pujya Bhaishri said that Dharma (Religion) is to change ourselves,it is not to change the type of religion. There are many ladders to the path of spirituality and several religion sects. Choose one you prefer and stick strongly to it. You are independent to choose the path to follow.

Those who market that only our religion sect is the right path are wrong! Religion is not a business nor are the different sects for competition.


Day 6

Pujya Bhaishri narrated many little stories and what we learn from them. Here is a small one:

A mad man sees his shadow in front of him and is frustrated. He wants the shadow to be behind him. He jumps on it, runs ahead and tries several ways unsuccesfully. A saint comes by and tells him that he can solve his dilemma. The saint advises the mad man to face the direction of the sun and tells the mad man that look your shadow is behind you now. The mad man is extremely happy!

This teaches us that when we face God and make him our focus of life, fame and wealth will follow us. We will not have to keep running after fame and wealth.

Day 7

Pujya Bhaishri said that a Sadguru does not praise his/her disciples’s good qualities. A Sadguru will always look at the vices in a disciple and aim to remove them. Day 7 darshan from UK katha:


Day 8

Final day UK katha darshan. It has been a blissful experience for all devotees. The full UK katha audio and video set is now available on USB to purchase from Sanskruti Foundation UK. For further details, please contact Tel: +(44) 7801 803555 or

Finally, a masssie thank you for the seva provided by Ravi Kapadia for all the excellent photos from the UK katha.


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