Various communities unite in Bangladesh Ram Katha by Pujya Bhaishri
For the first time, a divine Shri Ram Katha by Pujya Bhaishri was organised in the town of Faridpur, Bangladesh from 26 November to 4 December 2014. The chief host of the katha was the family of Shriram Krushna Bangadiya.
The entire town of Faridpur was filled with excitement, happiness and devotion. Devotees from Calcutta, Dhaka, other parts of Bangladesh and various sects also arrived to listen to the katha. Bangladesh is the birth place of the divine devotee Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. Thus, devotees from the religious sect of Gaudiya also joined in the katha.
On the first day, there was a surprising occurrence. Several people of the Muslim community stood on the roads during the Shobha Yatra for darshan of the Pothiji and Pujya Bhaishri. In addition, eighty percent of people providing their service for the daily activities were Muslims. To arrange Pujya Bhaishri’s residence whilst in Bangladesh, Shri Jahangirbhai, a Muslim industrialist, kind-heartedly emptied his entire farmhouse.
Surprisingly, the number of listeners increased day by day to 2000 listeners daily. On the day of celebrations of birth of Lord Ram, the listeners overflowed onto the highway and LED TVs had to be arranged so that everyone would benefit from the katha.
When Pujya Bhaishri was asked on his opinion of his first Ram Katha in a Muslim country, he said, “This land of Lord Chaitanya is the land of love. Ramayan and Bhagavat are scriptures of pure love. The language of love is love and is understood by all. We have come here with the message of love. Bangladesh is the land of history, music and saints. We are pleased to be here.” When the news of Pujya Bhaishri’s arrival spread throughout Bangladesh, several people began to invite Pujya Bhaishri at their place. Thus, discussions are now taking place to organise a Dharma Yatra in Bangladesh. In addition, the Deputy Commissioner of Bangladesh, also Pujya Bhaishri’s katha listener, graced the katha with his presence and welcomed Pujya Bhaishri.
It is a matter of great pride and happiness to see such a grand and divine katha organised by Pujya Bhaishri in a Muslim country.