What can we learn from Hanumanji? Why is He present in every temple that we have seen?

Hanumanji leapt to the sun and swallowed it thinking it was a fruit. There are many deep symbolisms of this.

One of them according to me is, when children go to school, they go to receive education. Education is symbolised by the sun. It is known that the sun is Hanumanji’s Guru. The Sun-God provided education to Hanumanji. Do our children leap in enthusiasm for education like Hanumanji leapt for the sun?

People who don’t understand this symbolism argue that our gods are foolish leaping for the sun as if it was a fruit! And question how it is possible that the sun can be swallowed!

Children must get hungry for education and knowledge in childhood. When Hanumanji leapt, he immediately reached to the sun.

Hanumanji is associated with the mind. Every single temple will have Hanumanji and Ganeshji present as deities in any temple, whether the temple is of Lord Shiv, Maa etc. Why?

This is because Lord Hanumanji is related to the mind and Lord Ganeshji to the intellect. The strength of the mind is unique. If the mind is strong it will achieve its end goal. But how can we make the mind strong?

We can make the mind strong through discipline.

Is your mind disciplined or a slave to desires and attachments? Like Hanumanji, is your mind engrossed in Lord Ram, the form of Supreme Truth?

If it is, then your mind will be fearless. Hanumanji was fearless. Hanumanji represents the mind, the service of the truth and discipline. When the mind is disciplined, serves the truth and is fearless, it works like Hanumanji’s speed.

Our mind is also unsteady. Hanumanji made his mind stable with service of the truth and discipline and became immortal. His mind became strong and fearless. This is what we learn from Hanumanji.

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