What comes first, our rights or duties? – Day 5 Mumbai Katha

Day 5 at the Mumbai Bhagavat Katha by Pujya Bhaishri saw the exciting celebrations of Lord Krishna’s manifestation. This Katha has been organised to support the education of the tribal children at Sandipani Vidya Sankul, Saputara. Find out more about Sandipani Vidya Sankul, Saputara.

On day 5, Pujya Bhaishri spoke on our rights versus duties as well as how easily we are influenced by what others say. Pujya Bhaishri said that the world fights for its rights but we also find rare occasions in history where there have been disagreements over duties. Lord Ram’s life is an example of such a contention over duties.

Ram Katha is the name of vies held in carrying our one another’s duties. One must know what their rights are, but it is equally important to know one’s duties. To become an ideal person duty is imperative, not rights. If you are a son, then towards your parents, if you are a husband then towards your wife, if you are a brother then towards a brother, if you are a wife then towards your husband and if you are daughter-in-law, then towards your in-law parents, you must be aware of your duties more than your rights.

However great their status or however big one is, a person must be fully aware of one’s duties in all situations. Duties make us responsible towards our responsibilities. The concept of united and extended families is diminishing since the time we began to avoid our duties.

Merely the knowledge of our rights has created the nature of receiving within us. This nature of receiving has consequently changed how we perceive any relationship. If you want to save your relationships then the important thing is that we must live with the emotion of giving, not just the emotion of receiving.

Watch this video in which Pujya Bhaishri talks on how easily we are influenced by others and then become judgemental. What is the effect when this happens?

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