What does the word “Kalyān” mean? On Television everyone says “Kalyān ho” what is that? Even in ślokas this word is found. Please explain.

Kalyān is a Sanskrit word which according to scholars has evolved from the word “kalya” meaning a new dawn. That which brings a new dawn, a new beginning in your life, is “Kalyān”.

One in whose life there is always a new beginning, a new dawn, for whom every day is a new day, the life of such a person is full of joy.

Life should be like a flowing river, the water of a flowing stream remaining clean and transparent. People drink only such clear water since only then is their thirst quenched and fills them to satisfaction. Even for bathing clean water is used because only such water can remove dirt from our bodies enabling us to experience freshness. Only a person who leads a clean life can bring about hope and betterment in the lives of other people and fill other people’s life with zest and enthusiasm i.e. he can bring about Kalyān in the lives of people around him/her.

Thus by giving you blessings of “Kalyānamastu” a wish is expressed that your life becomes a flowing river, flowing in the right direction, towards the right goal, so that there is peace, happiness and joy in your life.

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