What is the biggest beauty of Ram Rajya (divine Kingdom of God or ruling by Lord Ram)?

The greatest thing about Ram Rajya is that the ruler does not go to power but power goes to the ruler.  Lord Ram accepted fourteen years’ exile, left Ayodhya and went to the forest.

We can spiritually understand this that the 14 years are our five senses of action and the five senses of knowledge, mind, intellect, consciousness and ego. The ruling of Lord Ram’s holy sandals over these and accepting refuge from our heart means that Lord Ram Himself arrives to sit on the throne in our hearts and spread His ruling.

Ram Rajya has not been possible so far because of the perception that this is through Lord Ram going to the throne and the coronation being performed.  Ram Rajya is only possible when the royal throne itself goes to Lord Ram.

Bharatji showed us this through his conduct.  The Kingdom of Ayodhya had been entrusted to Bharatji and Bharatji himself went to Lord Ram and requested, “Please accept my Kingdom”. Bharatji’s greatness is in making this request.  Ram Rajya can only be established through rulers like these.

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