What is the purpose of Ram Katha?
Why is Ram katha necessary in life? Why should we do or listen to Ram katha? Let us think and discuss these questions.
When we perform a pooja or yagya, we begin with the rituals of drinking water from the palms of our hands, bowing to the gods and then doing a sankalp (making a resolution) with water in our hands. While making the sankalp, we have the right idea on: What are we doing? Why are we performing this task? How will we do it? What time and place will it be done? With whose support will we do this task? The time and place chosen and mentioned during a resolution have a big influence in the successful completion of a task. So, for a Ram katha:
Qs.       What work are we doing?
A.         Ram Katha
Qs.       Where?
A.         In Lucknow (for example)
Qs.       When?
A.         In July
Qs.       Why?
A.         So that everyone gains satsang, guidance to live life and love towards Maryada Purushottam Shri Ram.
The purpose of Ram katha is so that everyone attains peace in life and bliss from satsang, because:
            Tat swarg apavarg sukh, dharia tulaa ek ang
            Tul na taahi sakal mili, jo sukh luv satsang
Meaning, on one side of a scale, put together the delights of heaven and the bliss of final beatitude; but they will all be outweighed by the other side of the scale which contains a moment’s joy derived from satsang.

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