The term Dharma (Religion) has many connotations. It means quality, duty, etc. Dharma is the sum total of qualities that enable us to attain spiritual emancipation.
- Dharma enjoins being truthful, ethical, having love, compassion and mercy for mankind, and all God’s creations.
- Dharma forewarns us against lies, violence, deceit, etc. in order to create a harmonious society. But in order to live by this many-splendored religion, one needs to be motivated by love of God. Similarly, fear of God is necessary to prevent people from doing things, which religion forewarns us from doing. Love for God brings out good qualities while fear of God keeps us away from immoral behaviour.
Hence, people go and pray in temples or mosques depending on their faith. Some people follow yogic practices like meditation, etc. in search of peace. All these practises are like ploughing of a field. They help people in their spiritual quest.