During the day we waste so much of our energy.  Just as we recharge our cell phones when the battery gets low, similarly, the practise of silence renews our mental, emotional and spiritual energies. Practice of silence gives you habit-forming health of mind, body and spirit.  However, while practising silence, one should never forget that to speak up for a good cause is much more important than any vow of silence.

We have been given two hands, two feet and two ears but only ONE mouth – for a reason! We should WORK and LISTEN twice as much as we should TALK.

There are four qualities of a healthy speech:

  • Truthful
  • Beautiful
  • Minimal
  • Sweet

Always try to convey your message in the absolute minimum of words.  Lord Krishna’s Gita is as concise a speech as one can have with each and every word thoughtfully and meaningfully chosen and used.

The power of speech, when well-utilized, is great and it is often said that, “those who don’t have money in their pocket, must have honey on their tongue”.

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