Why does every Hindu prayer and function start with “Aum”? What do the Vedas say about “Aum”?

Tasya vāchakah pranavah” – Upanishad

Pranav or the Aumkār is the syllabic form of the Supreme Being. It is a sound synonymous with God. It is the origin of all the words and sounds. The entire creation, scriptures and music have sprung from this sound. This supremely blissful sound sustains the entire universe.

The three constituent sounds of Aum: ‘A’, ‘U’ and ‘Ma, repectively connote Brahma, the Lord of creation, Vishnu, the Lord of sustenance and Shiv, the Lord of destruction.

The crescent in the Aum, and the point within it denote Ultimate Consciousness, beyond all forms and qualities.  Hence, all prayers and Vedic mantras commence with Aum.

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