World Milk Day Special | Sandipani Gaushala

On ‘World Milk Day’ Sandipani Gaushala shares a three-dimensional perspective on the physical, metaphysical and spiritual significance of desi cow milk.

Ten facts that highlight the significance of the milk produced by the indigenous breed of ‘Gir’ Cows at Sandipani Gaushala:

1. Filled with A-2 protein and with essential amino acids
All indigenous cow breeds, or ‘Bos Indicus’, have a genetic make-up that yield milk with a higher frequency of A-2 protein. Of these, the ‘Gir’ desi cow, in particular, produces milk which contains a special protein called  A-2 type beta-casein protein – which has numerous health benefits. Due to genetic mutations, non-indigenous cows produce milk which contain type A-1 proteins, which pose various health implications.

2. Helps metabolize all other food groups
Cow milk helps metabolize all other food groups -such as carbohydrates, sugars, etc – in our diet and transform their inherent (kapha, vãta, pitta) ‘doṣa’ to balance and benefit the body.

3. A rich source of Vitamins and Minerals
Cow milk is a rich source of Vitamins such as B2, B3, and minerals such as Calcium and Phosphorus.

4. Helps reduce Ulcers and Cancer
Cow milk is Helpful to reduce peptic ulcers and cancer of colon and breast.

5. Helps reduce serum cholesterol levels

6. Helps control Diabetes 
Due to its low (good) fat content, desi cow milk is useful in managing diseases such as diabetes.

7. Useful for weaning infants from breast milk

8. A natural anti-oxidant for all age groups

9. Helps boost physical and intellectual growth 
A source of physical growth as well as of the development of a subtle intellect in the mode of goodness (sāttvika, sūkṣma buddhī).

10. Key component of Vedic Activities, that benefit the Environment
A primary source of three out of the five sacred cow by-products known as ‘Panchagavya’, which are essential to performing Vedic activities and which together provide anti-toxic and environmental benefits to the universe

Did-you-know: These three products of Milk, curd and clarified butter (ghee) are also the three main ingredients in the sacred bathing & welcome drink offered to Gods in ritual worship known as the ‘ambrosial drink of the Gods’ (madhuparka) or the ‘drink of five nectars’ (pancāmrita)? 

Gai Mātā – The Cow is sacred as she is the ‘Mother of the Universe’

Milk is the physical manifestation of a Mother’s (otherwise unseen) powerful Love!’ Born of a loving and pure sentiment of ‘mamtā’ – with the unselfish motive of nourishing one’s offspring- a mother’s milk has a fortifying and immunity developing essence to it. The cow is considered the ‘Mother of the Universe’ as Her milk is freely available to- and easily digested by- all! 

She naturally produces more milk than is needed to feed only her calves, and two udders are typically reserved for various calves to suckle for her milk whilst two udders are milked to remove excess milk and this is what is distributed at Sandipani Vidyaniketan

Pujya Bhaishri Rameshbhai Oza is the founder of Sandipani Vidyaniketan, an institution focused on Education enriched with human values with the motto of ‘Gyānārtha Praveśa Sevārtha Prasthāna’, which means ‘Enter to Learn, Depart to Serve’. 

Serving society and Humanity is the practical application of the Vedic knowledge gained at Sandipani, which is made possible by the plentiful and healthy cow milk that children drink twice a day. 

To know more about the process of both, feeding the cows four times a day and milking the cows twice a day (5.30am and 4.30pm daily); as well as the various uses of this pure milk in the temple to bathe the deities at ShriHari Mandir and for residential students of Sandipani Gurukul and Sandipani Rishikul—

Enjoy a short clip of the ‘Joy of Milk at Sandipani’ –

Wish-fulfilling Cowsymbolic of Brahmavidyā

One must not only milk the celestial cow, but also seek to offer sustenance by way of performing scriptural study and good actions. Every Rishi hermitage is said to have a ‘daughter that delights’ (Nandini) of the sacred wish-fulfilling celestial cow called ‘Kāmadhenu’.

The four limbs of this cow represents the four Vedas and the four udders of this cow represent the four human desires which are the pursuit of Righteousness (Dharma); Wealth (Artha); Desire (Kāma) and Liberation (Mokṣa). This cow produces the milk of vidyā, or that knowledge which removes all sense of differentiation in thinking and thus liberates.


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