Auspicious Shravan at Sandipani – Day 7

Why do we need Inspirational Personalities and Ideals?
Every yug (period) requires an exemplary character. Even in our times, such a high principled character existed, and was, Mahatma Gandhi. Mahatma Gandhi’s character was irrespective of cast, colour and creed. People of all races, paths, whichever language they spoke, from the north or south of India were inspired by the character of Mahatma Gandhi and fought for independence and achieved it.
Pay attention, it will not help if such personalities will only be seen in history and in the Ramayan. We must have such personalities right now in front of our eyes. This is how people will gain inspiration. Most houses keep Ramayan, Bhagavat or a holy book. However, we are not inspired as much by these holy books as we are by those saints who follow what is written in these books. Hence the reason why we are highly influenced when such saints preach the teachings from these holy books. These saints are inspirational personalities to us in our lives.
Today, along with this satsang, let us all pray to Lord Shankar by singing along to the Dwaadash Jyotirlinga.