Ekal Bhagavat Katha in Delhi by Pujya Bhaishri starts with the theme on Sacrifice (Tyāg): Arpan, Tarpan, Samarpan

Bharat Loka Shisksha Parishad organised a Bhagavat Katha by Pujya Bhaishri in Delhi from 15th September 2019 for eight days. The Katha is named Ekal Bhagavat Katha of Arpan-tarpan-samarpan (offering to the society, ancestors and God). This Katha supports the Ekal movement whose mission is to provide basic education to every child across Rural India in over 100,000 villages.

The lighting of the lamp on day 1 was graced by Shri Vasudevacharya Vidya Bhaskarji Maharaj from Ramanujacharya Peeth who gave an opening address.

On the first day of the Katha, Pujya Bhaishri said that this is the Ekal Bhagavat Gyan Yagya. Shrimad Bhagavat is a theology; it is the code of paramhansa. At the same time, conventional education must be available for all. Through this Katha, we aim to spread education to the tribal children in the remote villages which the Ekal movement is working in, with a target to soon reach a count of 100,000.

Pujya Bhaishri appreciated the arrangements in the Punjabi Bagh Stadium of Delhi which included: the presence of many saints, a 51-Kundi Havan conducted by Rishikumars of Sandipani Vidyaniketan, 108 Brahmins from Vrindavan and nearby reciting Shrimad Bhagavat; devotees eager to make offerings to the cause of education and many eager listeners of the Lordʼs Katha. These all together appear to be a mini- Kumbh Mela in preparation for the upcoming Kumbh in Haridwar in 2020.

The theme of this Bhagavat Katha is of renunciation of three types: Arpan, tarpan and samarpan.

  1. Sacrifice for the society is arpan,
  2. Offerings to the ancestors is tarpan,
  3. Offerings to the gods is samarpan.

The values of our Sanatan Dharma rest on the foundation of renunciation. Nectar means bliss/God/an immortal life filled with fearlessness from death. Such nectar is only possibly through renunciation. The first verse of the Ishavasya Upanishad proclaims the importance of renunciation:

Irṣāvāsyamidam sarvam yena kinca jagatyāmjagat,

tyena tyaktena bhunjithāḥ mā grdhaḥ kasyasviddhanam

Does this mean we are not entitled to consume our wealth? No, it means we consume our share after first purifying our earnings by charity done with the right understanding of our duty. One who eats alone, eats sin.

How can one be happy if one is in distress? This is the issue in peoples’ lives that there is no peace. Who is happy? One who is peaceful. This peace is only possible through renunciation. Endure pleasures in life with the intention to sacrifice for others.

Sacrifice is not an obligation but it is our duty towards the society, forefathers and gods. Our culture and values teach us to be grateful.

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