Gurupurnima Mahotsava was celebrated at Sandipani Vidyaniketan, Porbandar on the 13th of July. A program arranged and managed by the Rishikumars of the Vidyaniketan at the Satsang Hall was very well managed and organized. The program commenced with prayers and shlok chanting in Sanskrit by all Rishikumars. Guru pujan was performed beautifully incorporating all the rituals.

The Rishikumars expressed their gratitude towards their Gurujans and teachers by singing bhajans. In turn, the Gurujans too expressed their views on the occasion and blessed the Rishikumars. Everyone was greatly enthused as Pujya Bhaishri’s aashirwaad was received by a phone call from U.S.A. before the commencement of the program.

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