Let us invite the Lord to play Holi with us- Day 2 Vrindavan Katha by Pujya Bhaishri

On day 2, the atmosphere in the Vrindavan Katha is filled with fun and devotion with devotees readying themselves to play Holi with Lord Krishna. Pujya Bhaishri tells us how we can prepare ourselves:

Shri Bihariji is standing with a pump filled with liquid colours. He is squirting and covering everyone with colours such that these colours will never fade or disappear. This is our fortune and the times of spring and Holi are also our fortune.

Bihariji is also covering us with these colours through His eyes. His eyes are the boat to help us cross through the ocean of life successfully.

If you want to come here, then get ready to be coloured. Wear white clothes and come. By white clothes I mean a pure character.

We perform jap (name chant), meditation, Yagya (fire sacrifice), listen to kathas, etc. However, the best endeavour is taking refuge in the Lord. Tell Bihariji,”Delete everything. We take refuge in you. We are empty. Fill us with whatever you desire when you prefer!

Let us become pure so that Shri Krishna Bihariji fills us with some divine colours.

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