Press note by Pujya Bhaishri on Republic Day of India – Vande Bharat Mataram

26th January is the Republic Day of India. It is a day to remember the brave soldiers who have died for this country and express our loyalty to Bharat.
The current dissoluteness seen in Bharat today shows a lack of good character. Our scriptures clearly state, ‘aacharaha prabhavo dharmaha’, meaning, it is important that a human’s actions and thoughts are pure. In addition, it is necessary to protect the country with such pure human beings.
The Gita is evident that a person will only be successful in his/her field of work if he/she performs his/her work with complete loyalty, pure thoughts and actions.
A school will see winning results when its teachers and other members are the pillars of support. Similarly, it is imperative that when a person performs his/her actions, he/she should keep the welfare and happiness of others and the service of the country in mind.
We must always think and care about our field of work. Let the President of the country and other politicians do their work with respect to the country.
The current situation of our country shows that it requires strict law and regulations so that the citizens can be protected with this law and order. Incidents such as the one in Delhi arise in our country due to the insecure states of women before being born and in their lives.
Hence it is important that firstly, all the citizens of the country raise their characters and perform their action ethically, morally and with loyalty.
When one’s knowledge is converted into actions, this forms one’s character. However, if knowledge is not converted into actions, it becomes a burden. Therefore it is important that a person’s education and character are reputable and of high standards.

Vande Bharat Mataram!

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