Pujya Bhaishri speaks at the Shree Laxmi Narayan Temple at Dar-es-Salaam, Africa

“Even a moment spent in Satsang, is more valuable than an entire life-time of mundane activities”, so propounded Bhaishri in a very hugely attended discourse at Dar es Salaam, Africa.

The 1,200 strong devotees went ecstatic on Bhaishri’s arrival on the 25th August 2005, which happened after almost 13 years. In fact, there was an emotional appeal made by all to visit more often and give an opportunity to Dar residents for bathing in Bhaishri’s Bhagavat sarita.

Bhaishri spoke to the audience present at Shree Laxmi Narayan Temple and elaborated the importance of satsang by giving various references from the Bhagavat, Ramayan, various pauranic kathas and other interesting anecdotes. He clarified on the issue of artha andkaam being healthy if confined within the boundaries of Dharma and moksha. He also broke the myth that Hindu scriptures are against wealth-generation. Even the seers of Vedic times beseeched for Sthir (permanent) wealth! Attachment and hoarding of wealth was criticized.

He reminded that the first cloth that a new-born baby wears and also the kafan (cloth covering a dead body before the last rites) are without pockets. This ‘pocket’ is only for the period in between. It has to be understood that all the wealth, property, family, relatives and friends will have to be left here – none of these will accompany us in our last journey to the Almighty. We all need to ensure that we don’t sin to obtain impermanent wealth and hamper our spiritual progress.

Bhaishri ended the discourse by blessing all with Dhanlaxmi (wealth) – one which would lead to betterment of the whole society. “Only by giving generously to the needy around us” Bhaishri said, “will we get rid of its attachment”.

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