Firozabad is also known as Hanumanghar. This is because it has a 2300 years old temple of Lord Hanuman. The temple has an impressive idol of Lord Hanuman which continues to be worshipped till date. Over its long history this place has witnessed many known and unknown saints and sages practicing austerities. The committee that looks after the affairs of this temple, Shri Hanuman Jayanti Mahotsav Samiti, hosted a Ram katha by Pujya Bhaishri which began on 26th April 2008. Sanskar channel telecasted the katha live all over the world.


At the outset, a grand Shobha Yatra of the Ramayan was organised in which 151 women participated. Members of Shri Radhamadhava Sankirtan sang divine bhajans as the shobha yatra wended its way through the town and reached the venue of katha.


Pujya Bhaishri began narrating the katha by saying, “Binu Satsang vivek na hoee, Ram kripa binu sulabh na soee.” This means that without participating in satsang, one cannot develop the judgement on what is right and wrong; and without the grace of Lord Ram, one does not get the opportunity to participate in satsang. When the lord is extremely merciful on us, we are able to participate in satsang; and when we take part in satsang we develop the sense of what is right and wrong and consequently devotion for God. As a result, we should get involved in satsang regularly. Just as food without ghee is tasteless, similarly, a day spent without satsang is useless.


Pujya Bhaishri continued to say that in today’s world we have ways to preserve milk, curd, fruits, vegetables and cooked food and ensuring that these items do not get spoilt. However, he questioned that do we have any arrangements to warrant that an individual’s character does not get spoilt? Daily satsang is such an arrangement that preserves the purity of our minds and prevents our characters from getting ruined. Today, when the entire world is engulfed in the flames of narrow selfish interests, daily satsang is the only means of consoling the human mind and preserving our character.


Shri Ram janmotsav was celebrated with great fanfare during the katha. Alluring scenes of Lord Ram as an endearing young boy, Dashrathji and Hanumanji were presented by Shri Hanuman Jayanti Mahotsav Samiti. On the fifth day of the katha, the divine wedding of Shri Sitaramji was solemnised.

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