“Ram katha is like a Kalpavriksha, it fulfills all our wishes” said Pujya Bhaishri at Sangli

“The story of Sri Ram is like a kalpavriksha, the celebrated celestial tree that fulfills all our wishes. It not only solves our psychic problems but it is also a unique means of solving the social complications that arise in our lives from time to time.” so said Pujya Bhaishri while speaking at the Sangli Ram katha which was held from 17th to 25th Nov. 2004. He further said that we will not understand the true importance of Shri Ram katha until and unless we are inspired to put into practice the secrets of that divine story. It will be a great loss for the religious people if Dharma becomes captive of empty rituals.

Commenting on the undesirable haste displayed by a section of the media in pronouncing their judgments in the issue of the Kanchi Seer Shri Jayendra Saraswati, Pujya Bhaishri said that the verdict of the courts will be acceptable to all. But it is improper for people to say anything in this issue till the real truth is known to them.

The Ram katha began with a great fanfare on 17th Nov. 2004 when the Pothiji of Ramcharit Manas was first taken to the temples of Hanumanji and Shri Ganeshji and after being taken around the town in a Shobhayatra it was brought to the katha marquee where Pujya Bhaishri and Pothiji were accorded welcome with flowers and archana. All important occasions like Shri Ram Janmotsava and Shri Ram Vivaha utsav were celebrated with great zeal and joy.


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