– 💎A Wish-fulfilling Gem to Fulfil Your Aims with the Power of its Merits

⚫ ShriHari Mandir (Porbandar) is celebrating Ramā Ekādaśī fast on Monday, 1st November, 2021.

⚫ This fast is observed on the eleventh day of the second fortnight (Krṣṇa pakṣa) of the month of ‘Āśvina’ in the Gurjar region, and of the month of ‘Kārtika’ in the Northern part of India.

⚫ Lord Śrī Krṣṇa explains the unique significance of each Ekādaśī Kathā to Dharmarāja Śrī Yudhiṣṭhira Māharāja, in the ‘Uttara Khaṇḍa’ of the Padma Purāṇa

⚫ This ‘Ramā’ Ekādaśī:

    – Is supremely auspicious both in this world and the next.

    – Rids one of the greatest of sins and its merits remain imperishable.

    – Is akin a wish-fulling jewel (Cintāmaṇi) or Celestial Cow (kāmadhenū), which completes all of one’s desires.

⚫ What is the Story of Ramā Ekādaśī?

            ✵ In the ancient past, there used to be a famous king who went by the name of ‘Mucukuṃda’. He was a great devotee of Lord Viṣṇu, and had taken a pledge of Truth.

            ✵ He reigned with unchallenged sovereignty over his kingdom. One day, the most excellent amongst the Rivers, River Caṃdrabhāgā, manifested herself in the form of King Mucukuṃda’s daughter

            ✵ The King betrothed his daughter, Caṃdrabhāgā to the Caṃdrasena Kumāra Śobhana; who was very righteous, virtuous and noble. 

            ✵ One day, Prince Śobhana came to stay at his in-laws’ place; it was the tenth day in the lunar calendar (daśamī)—a day on which the whole town would repeatedly proclaim that no one should eat food on the following day of Ekādaśī

            ✵ Hearing this loud announcement, Prince Śobhana enquired of his dearest wife, Caṃdrabhāgā,

            ‘Oh beloved, what am I meant to do at this time? Please advise me.’ 

            ✵ Thus, Caṃdrabhāgā spoke,

            ‘Lord, at my paternal home, no one eats on the day of Ekādaśī. To the extent that, even other living beings such as elephants, horses, as well as their offspring give up food and grass. How then how can a human being eat on Ekādaśī?’

            ‘Oh dearest husband, if you don’t observe the fast of Ekādaśī, you will be much condemned. Therefore, prepare your mind for this fast with an unwavering mind and observe this fast.’   

            ✵ Prince Śobhana said,

            ‘Your words hold truth,’ and undertook the firm decision of observing the fast. 

            ✵ The Prince followed the regulated practice (nīyama) of the fast, but due to hunger, his entire body was filled with pain. He experienced a lot of sorrow. Contemplating upon his hungry state, the sun set and it was night time. 

            ✵ For those devotees of Lord Viṣṇu (Vaiṣṇava) who are engaged in the ritual worship of Lord ShriHari; who are attached to staying awake at night for the Lord (jāgrana), this night proved to be joyful. However, for Prince Śobhana, the night of Ekādaśī was extremely painful. 

            ✵ As the next morning slowly approached and finally arrived, all life had left the Prince’s body

            ✵ King Mucukuṃda performed the final rites of his son-in-law in accordance to royal standards. Caṃdrabhāgā performed the transcendental rites of her husband and then started staying at her father’s home again. 

            ✵ Prince Śobhana attained the most delightful state in the realm of Deities, on top of the Maṃdarācala Mountain. Over there, he resided with glory akin to Kubera’s.

            ✵ Now, in King Mucukuṃda’s town, there used to reside a famous Brāhmaṇa, called Somaśarmā. Whilst on his pilgrimage to the Holy Tīrthas, he one day reached the Maṃdarācala Mountain.

            ✵ There, Somaśarmā saw Prince Śobhana. Recognising him to be King Mucukuṃda’s son-in-law, the Brāhmaṇa went to him.

            ✵ Prince Śobhana, too, recognising the excellent Brāhmaṇa, immediately rose from his seating and offered his obeisances. He then inquired about his father-in-law and wife.

            ✵ The Brāhmaṇa, Somaśarmā, said,

            ‘Dear King, everyone is doing well over there. But this is a very remarkable wonder; no one must have seen such a beautiful and striking town anywhere. Tell me, how did you come to obtain this town?’

            ✵ Prince Śobhana said,

            ‘Oh Brāhmaṇa, I received this town as a fruit of my having observed the superior Ekādaśī fast that falls in the second fortnight (Krṣṇa pakṣa) of the month of ‘Āśvina’; known as ‘Ramā Ekādaśī’. However, I observed this fast devoid of faith, which is why I believe that this town of mine won’t last forever. Please let King Mucukuṃda’s beautiful daughter, my dearest wife, Caṃdrabhāgā, know of all that I have disclosed to you.’

            ✵ Having heard Prince Śobhana’s words, Somaśarmā once again returned to King Mucukuṃda’s city. He met Caṃdrabhāgā and told her everything.  

            ✵ The Brāhmaṇa told Caṃdrabhāgā,

            ‘Oh Princess, I have directly seen your husband; as well as experienced being in his majestic city, reminding one of the city of the Lord of Heaven (Indrapurī). He describes it to be an unstable place. You must make it stable.’ 

            ✵ Caṃdrabhāgā replied,

            ‘Oh divine Brāhmaṇa, I have a longing desire to see my husband; please take me there. I will use my earned merit from the fasts to stabilise the town.’ 

            ✵ Thus, Caṃdrabhāgā left along with the Brāhmaṇa to attain a sight of her husband. As they walked along, they soon neared the Maṃdarācala Mountain. However, Caṃdrabhāgā was unable to walk any further. They thus stopped by at Sage Vāmadeva’s Āśrama. 

            ✵ Over there, due to the power of the Sage’s mantras, and the effect of the Ekādaśī fasts, Caṃdrabhāgā’s body became divine—she attained the divine abode. 

            ✵ After that, she approached her husband and when she saw him, her eyes were filled with elation. Prince Śobhana, too, was very pleased to see his wife there. 

            ✵ He called his wife to him and seated her on his left side upon the throne. A joyful Caṃdrabhāgā, said these endearing words to her beloved husband, the King:

            ‘Oh husband, I will tell you something of interest. Listen. Through the effect of the cumulative merits I have accrued through all the Ekādaśī fasts that I have been observing since the age of eight years at my father’s house; this town shall certainly remain established in its glory until the end of this eon (Kalpa); and it will be prosperous and blessed with all kinds of desired splendours.’

            ✵ In this way, Caṃdrabhāgā stabilised the longevity of this glorious city with the merits. She accepted the adornments of a divine form; various sense enjoyments; and the loving companionship of her husband on the peak of the Maṃdarācala Mountain. 

⚫ One who listens to the significance of this Ekādaśī Kathā, is rid of all their sins and attains a place in Lord Viṣṇu’s abode

🌐 Stay tuned to know more about the respective significance of, rituals involved in, and fruits reaped from, each Ekādaśī Kathā!

🔆 #DidYouKnow—“One should not discriminate between the Ekādaśīs that fall in the bright lunar fortnight (Śukla pakṣa) and dark lunar fortnight (Krṣṇa pakṣa),” tells Lord Śrī Krṣṇa to Yudhiṣṭhira Māharāja. Just as there is a black cow and a white cow, but their milk is the same; so, too, do the Ekādaśīs of both fortnights grant the same fruit.

🔆 #PujyaBhaishriSays—“Ekādaśī (‘the eleventh day’) is the practice of disciplining all ten sense organs in addition to their King—the mind,” @PPBhaishri.

🌙 #FunFact—There are two Ekādaśīs in every month; falling on the eleventh day of every lunar fortnight. The Ekādaśī falling during the waxing phase of the moon (bright lunar fortnight) is known as ’Śukla pakṣa’ Ekādaśī; and the one falling during the waning phase of the moon (dark lunar fortnight) is known as ‘Krṣṇa pakṣa’ Ekādaśī.

#PuraanPrasaad by Rishi Dhavalbhai Joshi


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