Religion: not for conversion but self-improvement – Saputara day 3 Katha

On day 3 of the Saputara Katha, Pujya Bhaishri talked about guileless Dharma. He said that Bhagavat describes the duty of spiritual aspirants free from jealousy.

Dharma must be free from deceit. Dharma is that which maintains unity in the society and amongst people.

Love means to acceptance. We do not love to change one another. However, love is such a force that others are inspired to transform for the best.

Katha provides education on the values of life. This value-based education is true education. It is extremely important to listen to and understand Katha in order to learn as well as understand the values of life.

Hindu is not just a type of religion, but it is also a way of living.

Our Rishis, through statements such as ‘sarvetra sukhina santu’ (meaning, may there be happiness everywhere), have risen above all types of narrowness and expressed the welfare of the entire universe.

Our scriptures have educated us on the following:

  1. How should one human being behave towards another human being;
  2. How should a human being behave towards other beings; and
  3. How should a human being behave towards the nature.

We, the Sandipani family, are in Saputara to exchange nothing but love with one another. We experience joy in giving and the tribal people of Saputara, of their own diverse traditions and backgrounds, express their joy in receiving.

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