Sandipani Rishikul Wins State-level Sanskrit Rashtriya Competition 2019

The Sanskrit Pathshala Mandal from Gujarat State organise competitions on scriptures based in Sanskrit every year. Sanskrit language as well as the education on the disciplines in Sanskrit are taught by many schools in order to protect our values. This year, the 31st state level competition was organised by the Gujarat Government and Gujarat Sanskrit Pathshala Shiksha Mandal at Shri Darshanam Sanskrit Mahavidyalay in Charodi from 27th to 29th November 2019

25 competitions were held some of which included: saṃbhāṣan spardhā (conversation), shalākā spardhā (discussions and explanations from memory after thorough and thoughtful study of scriptures), antākṣari of ślokas, Aṣtādhyāyī sūtrapāth, quizzes and so on. Rishikumars from 40 schools participated in which Babdeshwar Sanskrit Mahavidyalay (Sandipani Rishikul) came back home with the overall winning trophy.

Rishikumars singing a song on Sandipani in Sanskrit as they accept their trophy

25 Rishikumars from Sandipani participated. With the blessings of Pujya Bhaishri, under whose guidance this institution runs, eight Rishikumars won gold medals, eight Rishikumars attained silver medals and five Rishikumars won bronze medals. Overall, Sandipani achieved the first position with 85 marks.

Pujya Bhaishri was joyous to hear these results and provided his blessings to the Rishikumars and their teachers. The principal of Rishikul, Shri Bipinbhai Joshi and the head of the hostel, respectable Shri Bobdeji blessed and congratulated all the Rishikumars who had participated.

The eight Rishikumars who ranked first and won gold medals will progress to the Sanskrit Shastriya National level competitions.

The list of Rishikumars and their achievements are provided in the table below:

No. Name of Rishikumar Competition Rank Achieved Class
1 Mehta Tushar Anilbhai Vyākaraṇabhāṣaṇa Runner up Shastri-3
2 Joshi Rahul Bhikhubhai Sāhityabhāṣaṇam 2nd Shastri-3
3 Bhatt Kapil Savjibhai Nyāyabhāṣaṇam 3rd Shastri-3
4 Joshi Udaykumar Jagdishbhai Sānkhya Yogabhāṣaṇam 3rd Shastri-3
5 Modha Dharmik Hiteshbhai Mīmānsabhāṣaṇam 2nd Shastri-3
6 Pandya Abhishek Vimalbhai Vedāntabhāṣaṇam 1st Shastri-3
7 Vegada Nishant Kiritbhai Dharmaśāstrabhāṣaṇam 2nd Shastri-3
8 Bhatt Aman Pragneshbhai Jyotiṣabhāṣaṇam 3rd Shastri-3
9 Upadhyay Adarsh Piyushkumar Jain-Bodhdarśanbhāṣaṇam 1st Shastri-3
10 Mehta Chirag Girishbhai Vedbhāṣyabhāṣaṇam 2nd Shastri-3
11 Pandya Maharshi Yogeshbhai Sāhityaśalākā Parīkṣa 2nd Shastri-2
12 Arambadiya Hiten Madhavji Vyākaraṇśalākā Parīkṣa 1st Shastri-3
13 Teraiya Parth Dineshbhai Nyāyaśalākā Parīkṣa 1st Madhyama-2
14 Dave Parth Rajeshbhai Siddhāntajyotiṣaśalākā 1st Shastri-2
15 Pandya Yash Ashvinbhai Vedāntaśalākā Parīkṣa 1st Shastri-2
16 Bhogaita Kishan Mansukhbhai Puraṇetihās śalākāparīkṣa 1st Shastri-2
17 Joshi Keval Kirithbhai Mimansa śalākāparīkṣa 2nd Shastri-3
18 Trivedi Dhruv Dineshbhai Kāvyakaṇthapātha 2nd Shastri-1
19 Mehta Kishan Saileshbhai Aṣtādhyāyikaṇthapāth 1st Shastri-3
20 Pandya Durgesh Vijaybhai Dhāturūpkaṇthapātha Runner up Shastri-2
21 Pandya Himalay Dayarambhai Bhagavadgitākaṇthapātha Runner up Shastri-1
22 Pandya Yovankumar Prafulbhai Akṣarślokī 3rd Shastri-3
23 Pandya Yash Ashwinbhai Samasyāpūrtiḥi 2nd Shastri-2
24 Pandya Yash Ashwinbhai Śāstrīyasfūrtispardhā 3rd Shastri-2

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