ShriGuruKarshni Panchkroshi Kashi Parikrama 2023

ShriGuruKarshni Panchkroshi Kashi Parikrama 2023

Important Milestones and notable Mandirs enroute

ShriGuruKarshni Panchkroshi Kashi Parikrama – (Feb 8-14th, 2023)

1st Milestone : Kardameśvara Mahādeva Mandira (Kandvā)
  • Vikatākṣa Māta Mandira
  • Unmatta Bhairava Mandira
2nd Milestone: Mahāsatī Mā Bhīmacaṃḍī Mandira
  • Langotiya Hanumāna Mandira
  • Dehli Vināyaka Mandira
3rd Milestone: Rāmeśvara Mahādeva Mandira
4th Milestone: Śivapura
  • Pāṇḍava Mandira
  • Draupadi Kūpa
  • Annapūrnā Saṃskṛta Veda-Vidyālaya
5th Milestone: Śrī Vrṣabhadhvaja Mahādeva Mandira at Kapiladhārā
  • Jav Viṇāyaka Mandira
  • Varuneśvara Śiva Mandira
  • Ādi-Keśava Viṣṇu Mandira
Start & Conclusion: Maṇikarṇikā Ghāta
  • Kāśi Viśvanātha Mandira
  • Jñāna Vāpi Kuṇḍa
  • Mātā Annapūrṇa Mandira
  • Dhundhirāja Gaṇeṣa
  • Daṇḍapāni Mandira
  • Sākśī Gaṇeṣa
Stay connected for details on:
  • 56 Gaṇeśa of Kāśī
  • 8 Bhairavas of Kāśī
  • What is Kāśī – Varanāsī
  • Gaṅgā, Kāśī, Śiva
The Great Triumvirate of Holiness
  • I am Vishvanatha, the Lord.
  • Kāshi is the light of liberation.
  • The waves of the River of Heaven (Ganga) are the wine of immortality.
What can these three not provide?

These three together are the triple blessing found nowhere else on earth!

Where the River of Heaven
Flows in the Forest of Bliss (Anand-Van, ancient name of Kashi) of Lord Shiva,
There is Moksha (spiritual emancipation) guaranteed!

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