The Science of Our Body and Yagya Kunda – Day 6 Manchester Katha

On Day 6 of Radha Shyam ki Katha Bhagwati by Pujya Bhaishri at Manchester, Pujya Bhaishri visited the Gita Bhavan Hindu Temple and performed Shiv abhishek. During the Katha, Pujya Bhaishri dwelt on the science and philosophy of this body, the Yagya Kunda and also explained on the four main holy places in India belonging to Narayan.

Lord Shankar regularly narrates Katha to his wife Parvatiji. Lord Shankar, who is symbolic of trust, speaks whereas Maa Parvati, symbolic of faith, listens. A narrator can only speak with Trust if the narrator has experienced God.

There is a difference between belief and experience.  With the intellect, we think that if the world exists than the one who created it exists. Without the cause there is no effect. In addition, it has been made with raw materials. According to the Vedantic Philosophy, the creator and the materials are one, the Supreme Reality. This makes sense and we accept this. However, it is a belief as we have still not experienced it.

Brahma Sutra has been given by Ved Vyasji. It is the entire Veda Shastra put in sutra form. What is a sutra? It is the art of conveying an entire message in as few letters as possible. Let us learn about and respect our scholars and litterateurs. If we forget them, the damage is ours.

One sutra from the Brahma Sutra is: athāto brahma jigyāsā, meaning, now we want to learn regarding the Supreme Truth. Who is this Supreme Truth? It is not masculine or feminine. However, when it manifests, it presents as male or female. God is not just male. There is no discrimination in Sanatan Dharma. This Supreme Truth is through who this entire existence has come from, is in it and in who it will dissolve. Who says this happens? The scriptures. Evidence from the scriptures is the best evidence.

When we experience this, trust will speak, not just education or belief. The grace of scriptures, Sadguru, oneself and God are required to change this belief to experience.

Just like the body is made of five elements, Shrimad Bhagavat is made of five things:

In India, there are four forms of Narayan in four directions and in the centre which carry great importance.

  1. In the South – Rangnath – who is sleeping. We must not disturb him while doing
  2. In the North – Badrinath – who is meditating and in this pose. He also must not be disturbed.
  3. In the West – Dwarkanath – four-armed and standing alert as a king to whom you can express what you desire.
  4. In the Centre – Shrinath – whose pose is as though He is lifting the Goverdhan and calling us to protect us and lift all our issues from us.
  5. In the East – Jagannath – who stands with arms elongated as though He is eager to see you and running to hug you.

Pujya Bhaishri then narrated the story on why there is no Radhaji or Rukminiji in Jagannath. In Jagannath you only see Lord Krishna with Balbhadra and Subhadra. Once, Lord Krishna uttered Radhaji’s name in his sleep. Rukminiji woke up and heard. She wondered what was so unique about Radha that brought joy even in Lord Krishna’s sleep and despite the love they gave to Lord Krishna. So, all the wives approached Rukminiji and insisted to her to tell them about Radhaji. Rohiniji commanded Subhadraji, who was the youngest, to stay at the door and ensure that no one entered the room whilst she was narrating Radhaji’s Katha, not even Krishna and Balramji. This is because they would all return to Vraj on hearing this Katha. Whilst Rohiniji was narrating Radhaji’s story and the wives were absorbed in Radhaji’s love, Lord Krishna and Balram turned up. Upon being stopped by Subhadra, all three listened to the Katha from outside. All three were fixed in this love. Naradji then arrived and requested God to provide this darshan of Lord Krishna lost in love to all. Hence the darshan in the posture you see at Jagannath.

From the example of of Pundarik and Pandharinath, Pujya Bhaishri recalled Pujya Dongreji Maharaj who used to say that one who serves their parents, God Himself comes to one. Pandharinath stands with His hands on His waist. This means, that this world is an ocean in which people drown. However, for those who serve their parents, this water is only waist-high.

Mathura, Gokul and Dwarka represent the subtle body, gross body and causal body respectively.

Our subtle body consists of the pure mind symbolised by Vasudeva, the divine intellect symbolised by Devaki and ego symbolised by Kansa. Kansa signifies considering the body as you, which destroys happiness. Hence, Lord Krishna was moved to Gokul. Lord Krishna is everyone’s soul. The mind is made pure through virtuous deeds such as listening to Katha. The intellect is made divine through plenty of satsang from spiritual leaders who have practiced and experienced God. By doing so, contentions will be destroyed and faith will be developed. When trust speaks and faith listens, Lord Ganesh, meaning knowledge, manifests.

What is God’s colour? God cannot be bound in one colour or name. When He is without form and qualities, He has no colour or name, but when He manifests, He has many names, forms and colours. You can be dedicated to one form or name but accept that He has many forms and names. Gargacharyaji says in the naming ceremony of Lord Krishna that in Satyuga, God was white in colour as the quality of goodness dominates in this era. In Tretāyuga, God was red in colour as the quality of passion dominates in this era. In Dwaparyuga, He was golden in colour and in Kaliyuga, He is black in colour as the quality of inertia dominates.

A Havan (fire sacrifice altar) has three zones/steps which is the form of the three qualities of nature. The one at the bottom is painted black, the middle one is painted red and the topmost is painted white representing the modes of inertia, passion and goodness respectively. Our body is also made of these three modes of nature. The fire lit in the Yagya is the consciousness in the body. This is all very scientific. Should we understand it, we will have faith.

Yashoda symbolises one who gives glory to all and Nand symbolises one who gives bliss to all. In return they experience this glory and bliss. Gopi is one who practices devotion with all her senses. She hides Lord Krishna in her heart. She is the summit of love. She does not need to make an effort to concentrate on God. In fact, her mind does not leave Shri Krishna.

With this, we joined the celebration of Lord Krishna’s arrival in Vraj yesterday in the Katha. Shri Goverdhan pooja was also performed after the Katha by Pujya Bhaishri and devotees present.

1 Comment. Leave new

  • Racquel Saloom
    27th March 2021 11:12 pm

    Love is like the air, water, and everything else, the tangible, the intangible, and the inexplicable.


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